Category: Chicken Raising

9 Rules for Hatching Eggs

Hatching chicken eggs artificially using an incubator is a rewarding experience. If you have a rooster you can use fertilized eggs from your own flock, or you can find fertile chicken eggs for sale from a neighbor...

The Best Chicken Hatcheries

If you want to start raising chickens for meat or eggs, chicken hatcheries are the easiest place to start. These are professional companies that breed chickens. You probably know someone who ordered day-old chicks which arrived...

What do Baby Chicks Eat?

Figuring out what to feed baby chicks doesn’t have to be difficult. Just like adult chickens, baby chicks are adaptable and can thrive on a variety of foods. You can choose to feed a...

Breaking a Broody Hen

A broody hen is compelled by changes in daylight, hormones, and natural instincts to sit on a clutch of eggs until they hatch. Broody hen behavior is very distinctive. She stays on her nest...