Category: Chicken Health

Combat Chicken Mites Naturally

External parasites are the single most common problem encountered in a backyard chicken coop. The common culprits are chicken mites and chicken lice. Fortunately, both are easily controlled using several simple techniques.  Read on...

How to Help an Egg Bound Chicken

A chicken is egg bound when she is unable to pass an egg. The egg becomes stuck in the oviduct, causing the egg bound chicken considerable discomfort. Egg binding in chickens is a life-threatening...

Natural Treatments for Chicken Diseases

Despite your best efforts, sometimes a chicken falls ill. There are many common chicken diseases that can affect your flock, but fortunately, there are simple and natural remedies you can use to prevent and...

Backyard Chicken Coops

So if you are planning on keeping chickens then you will need to decide on whether to buy a chicken coop or build a chicken coop. For pictures and chicken coop designs, search online...