Author: keepingchicken_admin

Breaking a Broody Hen

A broody hen is compelled by changes in daylight, hormones, and natural instincts to sit on a clutch of eggs until they hatch. Broody hen behavior is very distinctive. She stays on her nest...

Why do Roosters Crow?

A rooster crowing is the quintessential symbol of dawn. Long before alarm clocks, it was the rooster that called farmers from their beds in the pre-dawn darkness. Today it is a sound most Americans...

Combat Chicken Mites Naturally

External parasites are the single most common problem encountered in a backyard chicken coop. The common culprits are chicken mites and chicken lice. Fortunately, both are easily controlled using several simple techniques.  Read on...

How to Breed Chickens Naturally

Once you are comfortable managing your flock, you may want to learn how to breed chickens. There are many reasons to breed. You might want chickens for meat. You may need pullets to replace your...

How to Help an Egg Bound Chicken

A chicken is egg bound when she is unable to pass an egg. The egg becomes stuck in the oviduct, causing the egg bound chicken considerable discomfort. Egg binding in chickens is a life-threatening...